Why Yahoo's Partnership with Bing Will Hurt Yahoo? - latest tech tips

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Why Yahoo's Partnership with Bing Will Hurt Yahoo?

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Most of us are aware of the partnership Yahoo went into with Bing a few Years ago, giving Bing exclusive rights to use the Yahoo technology to improve their own services.

This partnership has brought about a lot of changes to both parties over the years, but based on what I’m seeing, I think Yahoo stands to lose the most.

One recent consequence of this partnership is the shutting down of the Yahoo Site Explorer service, which happens to be a devastating blow to the entire SEO industry. A lot of us depend on Yahoo for backlink data when it comes to researching our websites and that of our competitors, and personally, my yahoo webhosting and mid phase coupon blog won’t be where it is today without the Yahoo Site Explorer.

A lot more changes are happening to Yahoo, and I think most of them are for the worse. In other words, Bing is growing, while Yahoo is not, and I’ll be sharing a few reasons why I think Yahoo’s partnership with Bing will end up hurting Yahoo the most below.

Bing Keeps on Growing While Yahoo is Not
If you ever tried to take a look at the progress with both Yahoo and Bing ever since the partnership was signed in 2009 you would have noticed a lot of changes over the years, and based on all those changes it is pretty obvious that Bing keeps on growing while Yahoo keeps on deteriorating. Yahoo used to be the number one website in the world, and after making the partnership with Bing it became pretty obvious why they are always going down.

I believe business is all about mutual benefit, but I think that is lacking in the partnership between Yahoo and Bing, and that only Bing is benefiting.

Yahoo is Starting to Refer Users to Bing
Another major mistake from this partnership is that Yahoo is now merging some of its services with Bing, and as a result redirecting the most of its visitors who used to use that service to Bing. Take a look at the recently shut down Site Explorer service for example and you will understand what I’m talking about.
I think Yahoo should focus more on ways to retain its visitors and get them to interact with its brand. Instead, it seems most of them are being sent to Bing.

Yahoo’s Authority is Losing to Bing
Another downside to this partnership is that the one-time revered Yahoo is now starting to lose its authority to Bing, and I believe it is only a matter of time before Bing becomes more powerful than Yahoo. A more realistic example is that of Bing becoming the 2nd biggest search engine online – Yahoo used to hold that position, but it only lost it to Bing after the partnership.

I’m not against the partnership altogether. Instead, I believe every partnership should be for mutual benefit, and should make the user the core focus – something I think Yahoo is missing in their partnership with Bing.

This is a guest post by John Smith who studies Yahoo's business strategies. He reviews Yahoo products, and he has special coupon for Yahoo's Small Business web hosting service over at his site. For a Midphase coupon promo head over here. Yahoo is primarly known as a search engine, but it also offers reliable web hosting and domain registration. Midphase is a great web hosting provider, too.

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