MONEY: Best & Most Profitable Spots To Place Google Ads In Your Blog! - latest tech tips

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MONEY: Best & Most Profitable Spots To Place Google Ads In Your Blog!

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Here is another leaf from my blogging experience so far. I started out as a tech blogger almost a year ago and made sure my blogs UI evolves as time passes. Had you seen inception days of and you see it today there is huge difference (I hope better).

The same principle applies even to Ads being placed in your blog. There are endless articles already written on this topic, but I am going to share my personal experience. Of course its a little different from others. If you are planning to monetize your blog so be open about it and don't place Google Ads in places where your readers won't even look at.

I have specifically mentioned Google Ads because I have never used any other service. Also I have read across the web that Google Ads network is the best in the world. If you have decent traffic and people are not clicking on your Ads this is a very important article for you. First let me answer few questions as per my experiance:

1. What kind of Ads (Text vs Graphic) shall I place in my blog?
This really is very important question and it all depends on what kind of Niche you are in and kind of content your blog has. For example a travel blog with lot of picture can easily have many picture and animated Ads running as they easily blend with the content. but in case of News or Technology blogs it is recommended to have Text Ads as there is more text content in it.

"My personal experience over the years is that Text Ads have fared much better than their graphic counter parts".

2. Where exactly should one place Google Ads in the Blog?
This is the most important thing. What ever you do think about your customers i.e. your readers ask this question to yourself "What is the first impression you will get about your blog if you land for information?". You like it or not Ads is something people hate and placing them really annoys people reading your articles.

Here are some of my Hot Ads Spots:

1. Single line Ads just Below the Banner of your Blog.
When I introduced these Ads I was under the impression that they are not very profitable but I was so wrong they are one of the best spots to put your Ads as they are text ads and blend with the menu. People tend to click these Ads more often.

I will rate this spot as  out of 5.

"My personal recommendation is to place Text Ads here (728 X 15 size) as they easily blend with post content".

2. Ads Just below the Title of the post.
This is a sweet spot and is often the most successful one. I have seen people placing really huge Ads over here. I personally prefer placing medium sized Ads as I personally get annoyed seeing such big Ads at the start of the page also many people leave an empty space at the side of the Ads and beginning of the post which looks unprofessional.

I will rate this spot as  out of 5.

"My personal recommendation is to place Text Ads here (468 X 60 size) as they easily blend with post content".

Blue Blocks indicate Ad Units and Green Number indicate their placement.

3. Ads Just below the end of the post.
Its very logical to place these Ads at the end of the post as people must have finished reading your articles and totally understood what you want to say. If their are Ads which are complimenting your post content example you wrote review article on a particular App in Android market and coincidentally there is a Ad talking about the same App then people will generally click on them.

I will rate this spot as  out of 5.

"My personal recommendation is to place text Ads here (468 X 60 size) as they easily blend with post content".

4. A large rectangle at the side bar.
This is one of the moderately profitable spots. The reason for me is that they are placed at the side and genrally people tend to look at them only if they are wondering in your article and not reading them with full concentration. These are still important  Ads as the wandering eyes can be transfixed if they see something interesting in these Ads.

I will rate this spot as  out of 5.

"My personal recommendation is to place (468 X 60 size) combination of Text and Graphic Ads  over here".

Note: All the above information is based on my personal experience and how much profitable I felt these Ads spots compared to others.

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