HOW TO: Install USB Drivers for LG Optimus Black P970. - latest tech tips

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HOW TO: Install USB Drivers for LG Optimus Black P970.

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When I plugged my LG - P970 Optimus Black to my Windows machine I was surprised to see the device not connecting automatically. Then I searched the box for a device driver CD and was surprised to find nothing there. The had no choice and had to Google for the same.
Here is what I found out. I want this to be very short and sweet so just follow the below steps.

1. Visit this site
2. Or you can directly Download the device driver's .exe from here.
3. Make sure your LG Optimus is not connected to the computer.
4. Install the drivers from the CD (takes few seconds).
5. Now just connect the LG Optimus and enjoy.

You are all set to start using the LG Optimus with USB enabled. Not having the CD is sort of shocking for me but it didn't take me long to get things going, but I had to go through few anxious moments initially. Anyways all is well that ends well.

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