How Important Is It To have a Google plusone button? - latest tech tips

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How Important Is It To have a Google plusone button?

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Google introduced a new feature plusone some time back to allow people to recommend webpages to their friends. If you think that this is not very important and its okay if you do not have Google plusone button for your website then think again.

Google has currently not started using plusone numbers for giving priorities to webpage in its search results, but the chances of it starting to use this data is to give priority is very evident.Many bloggers are taking it seriously as nobody knows when will Google modify its algorithm to start taking into account these numbers.

Today Google even introduced a new section in its webmaster tools. The moment something comes up in webmaster tools section it definitely has something to so with SEO. Google has recently extended its plusone functionality in many countries in Google search, earlier it was in very handful countries which included USA of course.

If you haven't added Google plusone in your blog then do it today. You will get tons of article on how to add Google plusone on your blog website on Google itself. The early you will add the more are the chances of getting more plusones.

Most of the popular blogs have already added plusone. Google plus one is used for recommending a webpage to your friends which is similar to a Facebook like. The more plus ones you have the more credibility you can get as it can be done only once through on valid gmail account.

To find more information on Google plusone please read the FAQs on Google plusone.

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