Weird things one can do to buy an iPhone and iPad 2? - latest tech tips

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Weird things one can do to buy an iPhone and iPad 2?

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An apple a day keeps the doctor away. You love Apple iPhone and iPad and want to buy one what do you do? Ask for money to your parents and take it to the apple store and buy it. That's not always the case. Can you imagine a person selling his body parts to buy iPad 2?

You can't believe it right? But yes a guy in China has actually gone ahead and sold his right side kidney to buy iPad and iPhone. Xiao Zheng a 17 year old Chinese boy was always dreaming to get his dream machine but he could not afford it.

So what did he do he ran away from home got in touch with an agent in China and sold his right kidney for around 22,000 yuan ($3,900). Then he bough iPhone as well as iPad. When I returned back home his mother asked him how did he buy these things as they could not afford them.

After lot of asking he finally confessed to what he had done. When his mother and him went back to the hospital where he got operated they found out the operation theater was rented by some businessman from Fujian province. They could not find the person yet.

This is one of the craziest thing I have come across one has done to buy an iPad or an iPhone. The boys health is deteriorating each day. Technology is meant for betterment of people but here is an example of humans becoming slaves of technology.

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