How to Remove Junk content from Web Page Before Printing? - latest tech tips

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How to Remove Junk content from Web Page Before Printing?

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Printing a web page is something I hate doing as there is no way to remove all the widgets and unnecessary links and portion which has very less relevance to the content. But wait what if there is a way to eliminate all the irrelevant stuff in a web page and then send it for printing.
Here is a simple and very effective solution for you:

1. Just visit the site
2. Enter the URL you want to print.
3. You will get an interface which has the page as well as side widget to hide irrelevant content from the page.

4. All you have to do is hover over the webpage and select blocks of content you want to hide and click on remove button which appears once you select a block..
5. Once you are satisfied with the cleanup you can simply send the webpage for printing.

Advantages of using this approach:

  1. This approach allows you to do Eco friendly web page printing.
  2. Saves lot of printer  ink and also paper. 
  3. The printed document is more readable with less junk.
So be a responsible netizen and use this approach. Save planet and our mother earth. Share the post with your loved ones.


  1. Hey man,
    Nice Post...

  2. Hey man,
    Nice post..
    Thanks for the tips.

  3. Thanks dude..for the support..

  4. Wow, I never thought you could print a website. Its got me round to think about printing one of my Blogs as a manual for workshop I will be hosting.

    That a great idea. Radical. I Really have learnt something new today. What reasons have you needed to print a website? Thanks Harshad

  5. Thanks Sol for stopping buy. Printing your manual is a great idea. I used to find it very difficult to print guitar tabs from a website with all unnecessary data, which lead to me searching for this solution. Also its eco friendly as well as you print only as much as you want..I am glad you found it useful too.. Thanks again..

  6. in fact i was looking for this solution.... thnx for sharing.... very informative one.

    "Incredible India …the Bundle of Contradictions"... hav a look at my new post plz

  7. Irfanuddin I am glad that you found the post informative..Keep stopping by for such useful stuff..

  8. awesome tip again Harshad. I should make it a point to visit your blog regularly, otherwise I will risk missing lots of great tips.
    And that note u added on being eco-friendly, that will be a huge motivation to follow your tip too.


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