How to delete duplicate Linkedin profile permanently? - latest tech tips

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How to delete duplicate Linkedin profile permanently?

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I was fairly new in IT when I ended up creating duplicate linked in profiles. It's really bad to have duplicate linkedin profiles as it might hurt your reputation in the corporate world. So I thought of deleting my profile immediately.

I thought of adding this post as it might help anyone easily to remove his or her linkedin profile immediately with ease. Here are the simple steps I followed to delete my linked in profile.

1. First go to settings (top right corner of home page hover over your name and you will get the option).
2. Once you are in the settings, there is a section called personal information.
3. In the Personal information section there is a option called Close Your Account

4. You can specify any valid reason for closing your account.
5. Follow relevant steps and you are all set. Your account will be closed.

Now what happens once you close your duplicate linkedin account?

1. Once you close this LinkedIn account, you will no longer have access to its profile, connections, and LinkedIn messages. This account's questions and answers will be removed and will no longer appear on LinkedIn. Recommendations given to others from this account will also be removed.

2. All of the email addresses associated with the closed account will be available to create a new LinkedIn account or for use with another LinkedIn account within 24 hours of closing your account.

3. Although your LinkedIn account is immediately closed, it may take longer for your public profile to be removed from search engines.

Anyways having duplicate profile in not a great thing to have, confuses people, hurts reputation and in the long run creates duplicate unnecessary network which become difficult to manage.

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