How to find Total Posts Published on Blogger? - latest tech tips

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How to find Total Posts Published on Blogger?

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Are you curious how many posts have you published so far on your blogger blog? We spend hours to write every article but its always good to let others know how many articles are there in this blog. That gives users an idea of how much content is present in your Blog.

I am not going to show you any programming trick but just a simple trick which would help you find out how many posts you have published so far on your blog. Just follow the simple steps:

1. Just Login to your Blogger Account.
2. Go to DashBoards. You will see number of posts just on top which includes Drafts + Scheduled + Published.

3. Click on Edit Posts link.
4. Click on Published link and you will get Published articles count.

This way you can find respective number of articles in Draft, Scheduled and  Imported as well. Simple yet effective trick.

You may find many such Blogger Tricks to enhance your blog and make it professional and Reader (Including Search Engine) friendly.


  1. and there is a widget blogger provides to find the total number of your posts and comments you have received.

  2. Ya that's correct..I wrote this article long time back..


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