How to use Google to search content in a particular site? - latest tech tips

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How to use Google to search content in a particular site?

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Google search is much more powerful that one can imagine and even though Google's Mantra for people seeking information is to keep there search queries as simple as possible, but if we master few more techniques we can get spot on relevant results.

Today I will focus on one of the keywords in Google search which you can use to search contents of a particular website to focus on search results in just that particular website. This is typically useful when you want to search for articles of your favorite authors of a particular website.

Just go to Google search and use the keyword site:[site name] [content to search]. Just take this for example site : Brad Pitt. Remember the ":" is extremely important to tell Google that site is a keyword.

Not long ago I had posted an article called "How to Google" in which most of the Google search keywords are mentioned. If you go through the article you will start understanding the true potential of Google.

You can even try to search that article using the above tip in our blog One more tip if you want to restrict search further to exactly the search words like Brad Pitt put the in quotes "Brad Pitt" Google will give you results which contain "Brad Pitt" together and not scattered.

Learn many more Google Tricks here.

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