How to use Google's Realtime search? - latest tech tips

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How to use Google's Realtime search?

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Its been many days since Google launched its real time search. When I started exploring it I found that it basically searches all the social networking sites and search everything that is pubic information in it.

You will find most of the results are from twitter. But there is one very useful and controversial (I will explain later) thing about this whole concept. There is a feature in it called as Custom location. This allows you to search for latest things happening in a particular city.

For example follow these steps for better understanding.
  1. Go to Google's real time search
  2. Now type what you want to search and click on example "Guitar" click on search.
  3. You will instantly get the search result in the search result there is a option to choose custom location.
  4. Put desired location there example Pune (city in India).
  5. You will notice what people are discussing on this topic on twitter.
  6. You can also view the entire conversation on twitter here.
  7. Since all this is public we can see the entire conversation no problem in that.
So you must be wondering what is controversial here well put some different search term example love, hate, miss these will find you personal conversations of people in the area you have put, since twitter is public you can actually view all the conversation easily. It may not be controversial for some but may be controversial for few.But all in all this is a great tool if you use it the right way. I hope you like this aricle if you have any contradictory view please leave a comment.

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