Very usefull settings in GMAIL! - latest tech tips

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Very usefull settings in GMAIL!

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If you feel that gmail is no way near to MS Outlook as far as e-mail management goes then think again. Gmail has introduced really good and very useful setting which can be used for our advantage.
  1. Vacation Responder: Till recently Outlook had these setting but now even Gmail is powered with this setting. You can access this setting by logging in you gmail account and selecting Settings > General category. This setting can be also be used for automatically replying to every mail or to the people in your address book for acknowledging the receipt of your mail. For this you must choose a very long vacation period.
  2. Filtering: Just like in outlook we can set Rules in gmail we can set filters, this is also a very useful setting to filter out unwanted or auto generated mails from various social networking sites or from people with whom you might not be really interested in communicating. You can access this setting from Settings > Filters
  3. Mail Forwarding: For IT professionals where in personal mail access is restricted in office this is a boon feature, if you are going to receive a important mail you just need to set the appropriate email address to which you would like to receive the mail. Gmail will automatically send that mail to the set address. You can even choose what to do with the mail in gmail account like Keep Copy, Mark as Read, Delete or Archive. This setting is located at Setting > Forwarding and POP/IMAP

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